9789090158983 - Prevention of normal tissue complications in radiation therapy of head and neck cancer

Prevention of normal tissue complications in radiation therapy of head and neck cancer

Hoofdtitel Prevention of normal tissue complications in radiation therapy of head and neck cancer
Ondertitel the role of 3D conformal radiation therapy (3DCRT)
Uitgever Wijers, O.
Auteur(s) Wijers, O.B.
Druk 1e druk
Taal Nederlands
Pagina's 250
Productvorm Paperback / softback
Geïllustreerd Ja
ISBN 9789090158983


Hieronder staat het aanbod van tweedehands titels vermeld:

Afb. Titel Conditie Jaar Editie Auteur / Uitgever Prijs
Prevention of normal tissue complications in radiation therapy
Prevention of normal tissue complications in radiation therapy
Wijers, Oda / Wijers O.B.
€ 27,95