The Sinclair Story


Auteur: Rodney Dale, Uitgever: Duckworth, Engels, ISBN: 9780715619018 (ISBN10: 0715619012).


Hard Cover, 1985, First Edition, Used, Very Good. A great history book about Sir Clive Sinclair, his inventions and companies. Sir Clive Sinclair is one of Britain's best-known millionaires; certainly Britain's best-known technical entrepeneur. He brought us the first truly pocketable calculator at a price we could afford-but then his company ran into difficulties. Yet, having lost almost everything, he started afresh and rose again by introducing the first home microcomputer for less than 100. But does he really have, as was once said, an uncanny knack of knowing what is wanted in markets that don't even exist? What about his miniature television?- a dream for over twenty years. What about the C5, the electric vehicle which should have revolutionised personal transport? Is Sinclair a rare combination of commercial acumen and technical genius, or is he a dreamer whose strong personality overrules those who would advise him to curb his enthusiasms? What drives his deep thinker with a practical social conscience. Chairman of British Mensa, a...

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The Sinclair Story

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The Sinclair Story

Hoofdtitel The Sinclair Story
Uitgever Duckworth
Auteur(s) Rodney Dale
Taal Engels
ISBN 9780715619018