Micronet Book


Uitgever: Melbourne House, Engels, ISBN: 9780861611676 (ISBN10: 0861611675).


Soft Cover, 1984, First Edition, Good. This book provides a wealth of detail about using a Sinclair Spectrum to access the pages of Micronet and Prestel. The PRISM VTX5000 interface allow a Spectrum user to convert his microcomputer into a PRESTEL terminal and thereby gain access to the quarter of a million pages that are currently available. The pages provided by MICRONET are of particular interst as they allow for software to be bought over the telephone and messages to be sent and received. Alan Giles, who has worked with the PRESTEL system for the past seven years, understands fully the working of the VTX5000 interface; and he includes in this book a set of sugestions for improving the BASIC control program of the VTX5000 that readers might like to use. Aspects of this title include: a description of the VTX5000 interface, an introduction to PRESTEL, and the facilities offered to the MICRONET subscribers. This is the only book to deal with the Spectrum Micronet Interface.

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Micronet Book

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Micronet Book

Hoofdtitel Micronet Book
Uitgever Melbourne House
Taal Engels
ISBN 9780861611676

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Spectrum Micronet Book
Spectrum Micronet Book
1984 87
Goed, met div. aantekeningen
€ 15.95