Games ZX Computers Play


Auteur: Tim Hartnell, Uitgever: Interface Publications, Engels, ISBN: 9780907563136 (ISBN10: 0907563139).


1982, 169 pag., First Edition, Used, Very Good. <strong>Thirty programs for the Spectrum and ZX81</strong> Your search for great games programs for your ZX Spectrum and ZX81 is over! Tim Hartnell, co-ordinator of the National ZX Users' Club, has brought together a collection of 30 great ZX programs, written by some of the most talented young programmers in the country. Each program is designed to make your computer shine, to show it at its very best, to give you ideas you can copy in your own programming work, and - of course - to give you hours of enjoyment on your computer. Tim has gone for 'software quality' when choosing the programs. Inside this book you'll find HELL DRIVER, 3-D MAZE, BREAKOUT, ZOMBIES, BATTLE, AIR RAID, PLAY YOUR CARDS RIGHT, GOMOKU and PONTOON - plus six other exciting programs for your Spectrum, and another fifteen great programs for the ZX81. The appendix gives you a ZX81 'graphics tool kit' for some very impressive displays. 'Games ZX Computers Play' is a resource...

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Games ZX Computers Play

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Games ZX Computers Play

Hoofdtitel Games ZX Computers Play
Uitgever Interface Publications
Auteur(s) Tim Hartnell
Taal Engels
ISBN 9780907563136